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A woman sitting in a chair staring out the window, seemingly sad from symptoms of low progesterone
Why is My Progesterone Low?
Have you ever wondered why your menstrual cycle feels off or why you’re struggling with mood swings...
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Woman lying down with her hands over her face from experiencing symptoms of being estrogen dominant
5 Signs You're Estrogen Dominant
Estrogen dominance affects about 80% of women in the U.S. This condition happens when there’s too...
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A shot of woman from shoulders down, applying magnesium lotion to her wrist
How Magnesium Lotion Can Improve Hormone Symptoms
Did you know over 75% of Americans don’t get enough magnesium in their diet? This is a big deal...
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A variety of cut oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and limes that provide vitamin c.
How Vitamin C Helps Improve Progesterone Levels
Taking just 750 mg of vitamin C every day can boost your progesterone levels significantly. It might...
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Two hands circling a plant with purple blossoms that looks like the Vitex plant
Unexpected Uses for Vitex
Vitex, also known as chaste tree or chasteberry, has long been recognized for its role in supporting...
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A large pile of bright red acerola cherries with a few yellow unripened acerola cherries.
The Benefits of Acerola Powder for Your Skin
Have you ever noticed someone with radiant skin? They might be using Acerola powder! This superfruit,...
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A woman looking down with concern at her phone.
How Accurate Are Fertility Trackers?
If you are trying to conceive, fertility trackers are becoming increasingly popular tools that make big...
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How to Ovulate Naturally to Get Pregnant
Are you trying to have a baby but finding it hard because your ovulation is irregular? Learning...
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Woman applies bio-identical progesterone cream to her wrists
What is Bio-Identical Progesterone Cream?
If you’re one of the many women struggling with hormonal issues, you’re not alone.  Hormone...
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blood is on the bathroom floor between a woman's bare feet because of a heavy period
Why is My Period So Heavy? Understanding Heavy Periods
Did you know that heavy periods, also known as menorrhagia, affect approximately one in every five women...
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Picture of Hormone Balancing Blueprint

Hormone Balancing Blueprint

Learn how to balance your hormones and support your fertility naturally through our self-guided course.

